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EHS User Service Agreement

Century 3 (Shanghai) Inc. respects and protects the privacy of all users of its services. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, we will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. However, we will treat such information with a high degree of diligence and due care. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose or provide such information to third parties without your prior permission and will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. By agreeing to this Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy in its entirety. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Usage Agreement.?
1 Confirmation and acceptance of the terms of service of the App?
1.1 The ownership and operation of each online service of this App is owned by us. The user agrees to all the terms of the registration agreement in order to become a full user of this App. The User acknowledges that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are an agreement dealing with the rights and obligations of both parties and shall always be valid as otherwise provided by law or otherwise specifically agreed by both parties.?
1.2 By clicking and agreeing to this Agreement, the User acknowledges that he/she has the corresponding rights and capacity to use EHS and its services, and is able to assume legal responsibility independently.?
1.3 we reserves the right to refuse service, close User's account, remove or edit content at its sole discretion to the extent permitted by the laws in force in the mainland of the People's Republic of China.?
2 Services of the App?
This App is an information service platform, and we provides users with security information through this App and the Internet in accordance with the law, and users are entitled to use the relevant services of this App only if they fully agree to this Agreement and the provisions of this App.?
3 User Information?
3.1 The App will keep the user's privacy information such as the user's real name/name and contact information strictly confidential in the course of the user's use of the App, and the App will not disclose the user's privacy information to the outside world unless authorized by the user or otherwise stipulated by law.?
3.2 Users can modify your password according to the prompt of the App, and should be careful and reasonable to keep and use their passwords. If the user finds any illegal use of the user's account or the existence of security loopholes, please notify us immediately; otherwise, the user shall bear the consequences such as account information leakage due to the user's own negligence.?
3.3 If the user lends his account in the App to others, he must bear all the responsibilities arising from it, and the actual user must bear joint and several responsibilities.?
3.4 The user agrees that we has the right to use the user's login information, password and other information to log into the user's registered account for evidence preservation, including but not limited to notarization, witnessing, etc.?
4 Account Description?
4.1 You shall be responsible for the security of your cell phone number and password, as well as for the acts performed through its cell phone number and password. Your cell phone number and password registered in the App shall be used only by your own internal personnel and shall not be given to any third party for use, otherwise you shall be responsible for any loss caused by them, and we reserves the right to suspend or terminate the service.?
4.2 If you forget or lose the password registered in the App, you can contact the service personnel of the App and retrieve the password after providing relevant supporting information and being examined and confirmed by the Company.
5 Modification of information?
After you register your account in this App, if the corresponding information changes, you must promptly and actively contact the customer service personnel of this App to update it. If you fail to update your information in time, you will be responsible for any service you cannot enjoy or any account and password leakage.?
6 Obligation of user's words and actions according to law?
This agreement is made in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and users agree to strictly comply with the following obligations.?
(1) You shall not transmit or publish statements that incite resistance to or undermine the implementation of the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations, incite subversion of state power or overthrow the socialist system, incite secession or undermine national unity, or incite ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination or undermine national unity.?
(2) The transmission of data and information from mainland China to outside China must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.?
(3) The App shall not be used to engage in money laundering, theft of commercial secrets, theft of personal information and other illegal and criminal activities.
(4) Shall not interfere with the normal operation of the App and shall not intrude into the App and the national computer information system.
(5) Shall not transmit or publish information or speech that is harmful to the public interest of the state and national security.
(6) Shall not transmit or publish information or speech that is harmful to the public interest of the state and national security.
(7) shall not abet others to engage in the acts prohibited by these Terms!
(8) Do not use the account registered in this App to carry out illegal profit-making business activities; Users should pay attention to and comply with the various legal rules and regulations announced or modified by this App from time to time. The App has the right to delete all kinds of information content in the station that does not conform to the law and policy or is not true without notifying the user. If the user does not comply with the above rules, the App has the right to make independent judgment and take measures such as suspending or closing the user's account. Users shall bear legal responsibility for their own speech and behavior on the Internet.
7 Limitation of Liability and No Commitment to Guarantee?
Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, the App and all information, materials, goods (including software) and services contained in or otherwise made available to you through the App are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, we makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied (except as otherwise provided under the laws of the People's Republic of China) with respect to the operation of the App and the information, materials, goods (including software) and services contained on the App. EHS is only a project safety management platform and shall not be liable for any disputes related to project safety.
8 Update of Agreement and User's Obligation of Attention?
8.1 According to the changes of national laws and regulations and the operation needs of the App, we shall have the right to amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time, and the amended Agreement shall take effect once it is posted on the App or the relevant platform of we and replace the original Agreement. Users may log in at any time to check the latest agreement; users are obliged to pay attention to and read the latest version of the agreement and the announcement of the App from time to time. If the User does not agree to the updated Agreement, the User may and shall immediately stop accepting the services provided by the Company under this Agreement; if the User continues to use the services provided by the App, the User shall be deemed to agree to the updated Agreement, and we recommends that you read this Agreement and the announcements of the App before using the App. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed revoked, invalid or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.?
8.2 we shall have the right to decide whether to suspend or terminate the use of any User who is confirmed by us to have violated one or more provisions of the relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement or the rules of use of the App, and the User shall be responsible for all consequences resulting therefrom.
If the other written agreements signed between the User and the Company based on transaction cooperation are inconsistent with this Agreement, the agreement signed in writing by both parties shall prevail.
9 Legal Jurisdiction and Application?
The conclusion, execution and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes shall be governed by the laws applicable in the mainland of the People's Republic of China (but excluding its conflict of laws rules). In the event of any conflict of laws between this Agreement and the applicable laws, these provisions shall be reinterpreted in full in accordance with the provisions of the law, and the other valid provisions shall remain in force. In the event of any dispute between the Parties concerning the content of this Agreement or its implementation, the Parties shall endeavor to resolve it amicably; if no such negotiation is reached, either Party may file a lawsuit with the court of the People's Republic of China with jurisdiction in the mainland area.?
10 Others?
10.1 The owner of this App refers to the business entity of this App licensed or recorded in government departments according to law.
10.2 we respects the legal rights of users, and this Agreement and all kinds of rules, statements and other contents published on this App are for the purpose of better and more convenient services for users. The App welcomes comments and suggestions from users and the community, and we will humbly accept and modify this Agreement and the various rules on the App in due course.